Patch Adams in Russia
Dr. Patch Adams is an American clown doctor, some may remember the film about him starring Robin Williams. Patch has for two decades been travelling the world to inspire peace, love and unity. I had the pleasure to travel with Patch to Russia in 2002 as a Peace Clown. On my return I reflected on how effective clowning had been in creating unity and re-humanising people.
In Russia it is very cold and the people appear to not see you at all, except, well err when you are wearing a red nose and not from too much vodka. We clowned in orphanages, nursing homes, subways and on the streets.
So I’d like to thank Patch for allowing me the experience which inspired my REAL HOPE program and continuing my work for peace.
(kiss kiss, hug, hug, love you).
Slide Show
Clowning in Russia.
Slide Show
The Love Revolution.