Rotary Teacher Training Nepal
- The Nepali Village Initiatives Project was registered as a Rotary World Community Service 2009.
- The main focus is the delivery of teacher training, coupled with volunteer teams travelling from Australia to deliver holiday programs in the remote rural village of Paudwar in Western Nepal.
- In 2011 the project was assisted by a Rotary Foundation District 9800 grant of $5,000; since that time funding of around $20,000 per annum has been gathered from a variety of sources.
- The training has been delivered by Nepalese NGO REED (“Rural Education and Environment Development”) which developed its capabilities over 8-10 years under sponsorship from the Australian Himalayan Foundation, UK Himalayan Trust, UNICEF and others.
- In parallel with this a holiday programs is run for children of Paudwar village. The first, in April 2012, was attended by some 80 children, and another was undertaken in September 2013. A third is was undertaken in April 2015.
- Susan Carew, Rotary Peace Fellow and World Peace Clown contributed peace education to teach Cultures of on the 10 day teacher training program. To bring smiles and love, she clowned around Kathmandu and Ghara.
The presentation below provides an in-sight into the amazing people of Nepal and this adventure.
Some choice videos below.