
Susan Carew

Awaken the Fool Series
e-books and paper backs

  1. Clowning is Peace in Action – Book 1
  2. Principled Nonviolence is Peace – Book 2
  3. Proactivism is Positive Peace – Book 3
  4. Universal Peace Education – Book 4
  5. Peace or Bullying? Book 5
  6. Service Above Self with Rotary for World Peace – Book 6
  7. Peace Journalism – Book 7
  8. A Fool for Peace: Peace Evolution Solutions


To purchase any of the books below click on the Amazon links below.  All profits will be invested into happiness, peace education and sustaining this work.

Clowning Around is Peace in Action – Book 1

Susan discusses her adventures of clowning around the world and her unforgettable trip to Russia with Dr. Patch Adams. Susan is a World Peace Clown and her mission is to promote peace, laughter and joy around the world. Until we find that positivity within we cannot create peace in the world. Susan decided to live by example. She travelled to more than 20 countries and found the Fools Gold along the way. She visited: Thailand, India, Egypt, Greece, UK, USA, Central and South America, New Zealand, Helsinki, Vietnam and Nepal. She has clowned around to inspire humanity, connection and wellbeing. She has come to understand that we are ‘same same but different’. Many people live with fears of difference and her experience has showed her when we have the courage to step out and be brave enough to connect with those different from ourselves, we find ourselves. You will have to ponder that.

Amazon link: Clowning is Peace in Action

Principled Nonviolence is Peace – Book 2

This book overviews why nonviolence is the greatest power, great than armies or leaders. It is within every human and when truly understood is a force more powerful. Susan has been trained in nonviolence she studied Peace Studies at La Trobe University, her lecturer was one of the greatest Gandhi scholars in the world. She won from a worldwide candidacy a scholarship to study with the world’s experts on the Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies scholarship at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. She gives excerpts from a lifetime of experience examining nonviolence from a range of perspectives. You will be encouraged to look through the prism of REAL HOPE to Awaken the Fool in you. Violence can be turned around when we understand the power of nonviolence.

Amazon link: Principled Nonviolence is Positive Peace


Proactivism is Positive Peace in Action – Book 3

Proactivism is not able rebelling against authority. It is about finding your own voice, creatively to inspire others. There are many creative ways you can be proactive in working for positive change rather than fighting against what is not wanted. Susan shares her experience clowning on the streets to inspire happiness and trust, her experience in hospitals bringing a smile to people who are seldom responded to, clowning around to ask people to write notes of love and support to those without a home (refugees) and peace messages for the United Nations expressing their desire for peace. Susan will explain her magical invitation to clown in a maximum security prison (Maribyrnong Detention Centre) with refugees and how she even had the chance to explore her fantasy clowning in Federal Parliament. However, sadly, she didn’t get to go to Question Time and stand up and call them well err… clowns. Got close though. There are so many fun ways we can be heard and seen but make sure you are not fighting against something. She will speak of the power of the Law of Attraction.

Amazon link: Proactivism is Positive Peace in Action

Universal Peace Education – Book 4

Susan discusses her REAL HOPE program an innovative peace, nonviolence and anti-bullying program to inspire young people through experiential education. They realise they have the power to create their world. Universal values, when integrated, unite people. Control and negativity has the opposite effect and is the old paradigm that no longer works. Teaching positivity and empowerment are the keys to world peace. Susan shares with you her experiences as a Rotary Peace Scholar on the experiential/theoretical program in Bangkok. She shares with you the disputes that were studied. She visited the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Prison (torture centre) in Cambodia. She met the real Khmer Rouge. She explored the projected unhappiness of humanity. She then discover one of the keys to peace is personal inquiry (inner realisation). She realised that transformative peace is the focus rather than looking at conflict as if it is true. Only positivity creates peace. She discusses the real peacemakers on the planet, some of whom are becoming mainstream. Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now) and Bryon Katie (Loving What Is) introducing new ways of understanding peace and conflict discovering when we become still there is no pain, only love. The world is indeed a mirror. We can transform all conflict when we know how. This curriculum will be the future. Why not Awaken the Fool within you to realise … Your happy destiny is unavoidable.

Amazon link: Universal Peace Education


Peace or Bullying? – Book 5

This book will help readers understand the foundations of both bullying and peace. It explores the negative side of humanity through self-deception, denial, the ego, the shadow and new information on how the world is a mirror of your own consciousness. This is critical to understand as it enables those experiencing this situation to take back their power. Importantly, one the game is understood bullying will stop. The book explores community violence and what is breaking down, then covert and overt bullying in workplaces and the impact of childhood bullying on adults. We go back to school and overview bullying exploring new data on the prevalence of covert bullying. Links are provided to a range of bullying cases to educate and inform explaining it is not just personality clashes, in its extreme it can lead to trauma and suicide. In Victoria Australia, bullying is a crime. To transform conflict we have to understand peace, therefore a background into the history of peace and its roots in spirituality and philosophy and the success of Gandhi’s Satyagraha and non-violent activism. Indeed the power of principled nonviolence is the opposite paradigm of control. From here peace education is discussed and explored introducing new ways to apply peace education to the problem of bullying in order to transform children’s behaviour. Universal values, experiential education and the clown teacher are the keys to empowering children in powerful ways. Children learn best through joy, questioning, facts & philosophy, puppets and role play to find new ways to look at conflict and discover inner power. Experiential education is powerful for integrating concepts into experience. Added to this is practicing meditation so children can visualise themselves acting out the new positive behaviour. All children require is a good dose of curiosity and magic tools to tackle an often difficult issue. Many ideas and tools are provided to enable children and adults to find the real magic and turnaround bullying into positive transformation. The Work of Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle are discussed as emerging teaches who are speaking about the power of now (stillness). Meditation in schools is increasing as teachers realise peace comes from within.  This is the real work of the future. The clown simply reminds people that we are here to have fun.  Society will come to understand that when we focus on the positive side of humanity we can transform ourselves, we will come to understand that all conflict is a teacher and all negativity mirrors our own fears at the deepest levels. When we ‘own’ our fear then we can tap into the power right now to deal effectively with conflict and bullying.  This is the beginning of peace.

Amazon link:  Peace or Bullying?

Service Above Self with Rotary for World Peace – Book 6

This book is  available in e-book format or hardcover.  It is recommended for Rotarians and the wider community who want to learn about inspired workable peace projects. This book explains how inner peace catalyses outer peace.

This book is dedicated to Paul Harris a pioneer and founder of Rotary.

‘Service Above Self’ is the motto of Rotary and the foundation of a global movement. This book is a personal contribution by Rotary Peace Fellow Susan Carew sharing her innovative solutions for World Peace.

The e-book is designed to click on YouTube films and links to experience the descriptions live.

Susan has lived an inspired life, she actually dreamed she was teaching peace and developed a powerful values based peace model REAL HOPE(S). The model is a values prism which enables problems to be see differently. Values are the real foundation for teaching peace education.

Susan explores what is selfless service? Is it in serving a cause or serving a career? The intention is critical to sustainable project outcomes. The reader is taken through an experiential journey of a World Peace Clown (Fool) with the vision to Awaken the Fool to REAL HOPE for a World-Peace-Full.  Sometimes a person can be regarded as a Fool yet their ideas may be planting seeds for a future time where people are ready to act on initiatives that can transform our world.

As a community journalist Susan produced the radio program Bridges to Peace to learn from a wide range of voices about violence, global peace and the importance of love. Professor Gareth Evans discusses the United Nations, Dr. Kunwar Singh shares how he met Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Patch Adams, the famous American clown doctor, speaks in Russia about the ‘Love Revolution’. Open dialogue and clear communication listens to all voices as ‘Service Above Self’.

Susan is a trained economist and market analyst. She introduces the innovative ‘Renewable Wholistic Economics’ as evolving beyond the current economic paradigm of profit maximisation to a renewable values model our activity based on our true nature.The environmental and economic crisis is fuelled by rampant materialism which undermines life support systems causing limits to growth. The renewable wholistic paradigm discusses real needs and wants with a view of modelling on efficiencies and inter-dependencies of nature as a realistic approach mirroring harmony and unity consciousness.

Gross National Happiness and wellbeing are considered future policy priorities. The United Nations report ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Linking Learning and Happiness’ reinforces the importance of wellbeing in education as consciousness shifts to our real purpose, happiness and harmony. The UN focus complements the Sustainability & Peace Encouragement Award for Kids to Unite People (SPEAK UP Award) presented as a future project encouraging young people to be active in peace building and sustainability fundamental to wellbeing for the people and the planet. The REAL HOPE values based peace, nonviolence and anti-bullying program will be gifted to schools across the world to start a unity peace curriculum.

Rotary has peace programs around the world. The Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program in Bangkok is discussed and notable disputes and issues explored. Susan shares her journey: field trips; the Killing Fields, Tuol Sleng Prison (torture), meeting the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, briefed by world experts, conflict mapping and a renewable focus – transformative peace.

As a Peace Fool Susan clowns in Mae-La camp (50,000 refugees) and the Camillian HIV centre in Thailand. She discovered humour affects health and remission. Other activities were: teaching the 1st EQ clown workshop in Thailand; teaching peace education with participants to students at the American School of Bangkok.

Susan shares two successful case studies where Rotarians collaborated in Nepal on ‘Cultures of Peace’ and community based peace building and peace education.

Susan invites Rotarians to make peace within Rotary implementing conflict resolution and peace skills aligning with the mission of: world understanding, goodwill and peace. Rotary can utilse Peace Fellows to develop pathways to resolve conflicts.

This is essential reading for all desiring a peaceful world and action that will change lives.

Amazon link: 

Hardcover (printed): 



Peace Journalism – Book 7

This e-book written by former community Journalist Susan Carew and overviews her experience in the media as a citizen exploring controversial topics that impact peace and revealing how peace building occurs when agents for change are given a platform to discuss why peace is not only possible but inevitable.

She introduces peace journalism as a discipline pioneered by the father of Peace Research Johann Galtung and exemplified by his organisation Transcend Media Service. Johann offers an approach to journalism to assist in resolving conflict rather than inflaming it. The media can be a tool to promote special interests rather than inform in a neutral capacity in the public interest.

As a citizen she joined community radio in Melbourne, Australia and learned production and produced her program ‘Bridges to Peace’. This unique program was as a bridge to 135 interviewees to broadcast their voices covering a range of peace related topics. Her program received a special mention by ABC’s Kerry O’Brien at the Media Peace Awards as contributing to peace building.

The issue of balance is discussed in media circles but without training in mediation and a discipline to hear both sides proportionally, it is likely messages are distorted by conscious and unconscious bias. When journalism standards are neutral, truth based and in the public interest then the whole story can be told and this informs the public so they can make decisions about issues and events that impact their lives and world. To be informed accurately is the very basis of a democratic system that shares power fairly.

She features in this e-book excerpts of interesting interviews including: former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans, a journalist who has achieved a world record of interviewees, Phillip Adams from ABC Radio National. She interviewed military whistle-blowers Scott Ritter and Major Douglas Rokke.   She had the opportunity to interview John Dean who was the legal Counsel to former US President Richard Nixon. In addition, the e-book provides a link to audio files on her website (Peace Journalism) to listen to key interviews.

As a community journalist she met with politicians, peace and conflict studies specialist academics, community innovators, pioneers and advocates of positive proactive ways to catalyse a peaceful world. The choice cuts provide insights into the range of interesting and diverse voices and ‘the take’ from a community media perspective which differs from the mainstream. Community media offers a platform to those in the community who may not be able to access the mainstream media platforms given commercial interests. Community radio embraces community diversity, innovative insights and informing the public ensuring ‘public interest’ is top of mind.

Susan highlights in the e-book the importance of freedom of speech. The insights are delivered through poetic philosophy. Freedom of speech is critical in journalism and it is the lifeblood of a diverse and vibrant democracy.

This e-book provides REAL HOPE for the future of democracy.

This e-book is dedicated to Ange Barry, the former manager of Plenty Valley FM, Melbourne Australia

Amazon link: 


A Fool for Peace: Peace Evolution Solutions – Book 8

A Fool for Peace maps the journey of a Peace Fool. The Fool is the one who sets out with the knapsack on an adventure to discover solutions to humanity’s dilemmas. Susan Carew aka Peace Fool dreamed she was teaching peace. She studied peace, became a pro-activist for peace, travelled to Russia with Dr Patch Adams (clown doctor), taught peace, nonviolence and anti-bullying in schools, broadcast peace journalism, a peace poet/philosopher, travelled Australia and the World to teach and practice peace. As a Rotary Peace fellow she studied with world experts in Bangkok and was invited as a conference speaker. She has spoken truth to power. She has discovered the wisdom of the Fool in the Fool’s Gold which everyone carries in REAL HOPES – Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love, Honesty, Oneness, Peace, Enjoyment and Service. The journey is to learn to transmute negativity into positivity to realise the mythical Holy Grail as peace sits at a round table beyond the drama. Peace is not a destination it is who you are when you stop thinking and allow life to flow. This book contains solutions for those seeking answers. It is an inspired pioneering work gifted to the world out of a sense of love and world service. Perhaps you are a Fool too?

Amazon link: