Peace Journalism

Radio Programs Promoting Alternative and Informed Voices for Positive Change


‘…It is the responsibility of those who know to tell the blindman on a blind horse that he is heading towards the abyss…’ Lao Tzu

‘…We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power.’  William Gladstone


I have come to understand a few realities.  We have to face pain, feel emotions and dialogue our issues fairly with an intention of responsibility, honesty and a win/win as we are in this together. The challenge is to focus on what we want with a real intention for solutions.  If this is achieved many of the problems highlighted by the speakers below will evaporate.

When the love of who we are and inner peace is our modus operandi harmony will inspire mutually beneficial decisions.  We will come together in unison to solve and face the pain together in the final realisation that we can evolve beyond our conflicts to discover we are indeed One.

It is a zero sum game when what we do to others we do to ourselves, what we resist persists and to learn what we look at (face) disappears.  This is a primordial universal wisdom.  Our world is moving towards this but first we go through the shadow side.

Peace Journalism is to listen to all voices, as Stephen Covey wisely stated: To Seek First to Understand Then Be Understood.

Peace journalism is dedicated to inspiring peace, education and understanding about our world. Sometimes we have to face the dark side of our nature in order to bring light (understanding) to it. From the perspective of light we can see the dark. Life is about contrasts and making decisions about who we all become individually and collectively.

Peace is not a subject it is who we are when we come into harmony with ourselves and others.  Empowering education through listening and dialogue is one of the keys to peace.  Its usefulness is in understanding different perspectives and transforming all negativity into compassion.  I have categorised a few key areas impacting global community and personal choices.

One of the keys is to listen deeply. I am open to all. There are no enemies in my world.

I produced and presented ‘Bridges to Peace’ on Plenty Valley FM’ in the North West of Melbourne.  My objective was to interview a wide range of voices to understand the question:

‘What is peace?’ 

I produced 135 programs and interviewed a wide range of guests speaking about current conflicts, peace issues, academics, peace educators, public figures, activists, politicians, soldiers, spiritual persons indeed anyone, who in their way, is seeking a better world.

Below is a sample of important informative radio programs that are still relevant in the present time.  The radio interviews below cover:

International relations, Leadership in Service to Humanity, Wars serving ‘self interest’ not ‘best interest’,  Secrecy and Deception is not in the public interest, Uranium is Toxic to Everyone, Come Together As One Global Family, Peace Education and Nonviolent Alternatives, Soulution: Peace as Oneness, Calmness and Environmental Balance and ABC interview with Susan Carew.

International Relations

The first program features one of the world’s experts on peace and conflict issues and an insider in Global policy.  He is a truly articulate speaker, intellectual and genuine peacemaker.

‘Pros and Cons of the United Nations’ Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC FASSA FAIIA has been Chancellor of the Australian National University since January 2010. He was a Cabinet Minister in the Hawke and Keating Labor Governments from 1983-96, in the posts of Attorney General, Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for Transport and Communications and – from 1988-96 – Foreign Minister. During his 21 years in Australian politics he was Leader of the Government in the Senate (1993-96) and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives (1996-98). From 2000 to 2009 he was President and CEO of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, the independent global conflict prevention and resolution organisation.

This lecture will give insights into the paralysis and virtues of global decision making in the United Nations.

Gareth Evans website speeches refer: 

Part 1: Professor Gareth Evans (7.47) Introduction and UN Reform

Part 2: Professor Gareth Evans  (9.14) Human Rights, Peace Keeping, UN programs …

Part 3: Professor Gareth Evans (9.52) Peace agenda, disarmament and non-proliferation …

Part 4: Professor Gareth Evans (9.38) The Secretary General….

Part 5: Professor Gareth Evans Q&A (17.43) Multilateral issues, Australian credibility. Millenium Development Goals, Aid etc…

Part 6: Professor Gareth Evans Q&A (9.13) Nuclear weapons, black hole, NPT architecture

Part 7: Professor Gareth Evans Q&A (12.47) A paradigm shift from long held traditions in democracy, right wing reactionary push …

Leadership in Service to Humanity

‘I met Gandhi’ (16.49)

An interview with Dr. Kunwar Singh who speaks about international relations, the United Nations, politics, Australian politics, service in politics and meeting Gandhi.   Refer Gandhi website

Wars serving ‘self interest’ not ‘best interest’

‘US is involved in an illegitimate war of aggression’.

This is a recording at the University of Melbourne, Australia of a lecture by Scott Ritter the former US Weapons Inspector in Iraq and CIA operative.  He was a whistle blower highlighting the politics and deception of war.  He makes clear the war was about name change not regime change. He asserts it was an illegitimate war.

The seeds of Syria and the middle east conflict link to politics and special interests.  To prevent a repeat of mistakes in the future we have to understand the history of those in positions of power, the media and how the public are not told the full story. Whistle blowers can assist by informing an uninformed public. The knowing of truths can change everything. Why change? It is not a statement of who you really are!

Part 1: Scott Ritter (12.13). Questions the deception and true intent of the US Government. He asserts the only sedition is silence.

Part 2: Scott Ritter (11.45).  What matters is what is going on behind the scenes…

Part 3: Scott Ritter (12.56). What did the United Nations do? …

Part 4: Scott Ritter (13.43). The bottom line is the CIA knew Iraq was disarmed ….

Fools Gold: Until self interest genuinely and visibly becomes best interest and force becomes cooperation, human lives will be taken in the name of false security.

Secrecy and Deception is not in the public interest

‘Worse than Watergate’ (3.23). John Dean former Counsel for Richard Nixon speaks about secrecy …

Fools Gold: Secrecy and deception is the opposite of democracy as a lived experience.

Uranium is Toxic to Everyone

‘War is a Toxic Wasteland’ 

This is a unique and highly informative interview with Major Douglas Rokke the former head of the Depleted Uranium Project in the Pentagon.  He is a whistle blower about the toxic munitions used in war.  Here is an excerpt from the interview about his background and conclusion.

“…During Gulf War 1 I was a US Army Health Physicist and I was specifically assigned to clean up the Uranium munitions mass contamination friendly fire contamination from Gulf War 1, that dealt with the United States Military personnel that were wounded or injured during friendly fire using uranium munitions. In 1994-95 I was the Director of the United States Army in the US Department of Defence Depleted Uranium Project. My specific task as Director was to develop the education and training necessary to ensure safe operations of everything around uranium munitions when used, before they’re used or after they’re used, and also specifically tasked how to clean up uranium munitions contamination. What I have learned from first-hand experience, both from cleaning and doing the research and putting the program together and my own adverse health effects from uranium exposure, is uranium munitions are a catastrophe they leave a trail of health and environmental effects that very simply rule out their use forever…” 

Part 1:  Major Douglas Rokke (9.59).  Speaking about his background and core message is to rule out depleted uranium, he explains the extensive use of uranium munitions and why …

Part 2: Major Douglas Rokke (15.16).  If the US Government was going to clean up, how would they do it…?

Fools Gold: What you do to another returns to the self.  Inner toxicity is outer toxicity. When you spread it to others it will return to sender.  This is a universal law.  We are One world there are no real boundaries, only those we create when we decide there is an other or enemy to fear.


Come Together As One Global Family

‘Questions about Possible Pathways and a Department of Peace’ (3.29)

Nothing can be done from a legal point of view to restrain the United States. Countries can group together.

Fools Gold: Until all countries come together in a spirit of equality and democracy working for the common unity of all, self interest will dominate. Focusing on peace instead of defence (attack) will attract insights into what is in common or shared interests in enlightened forums.


Peace Education and Nonviolent Alternatives

‘Peace is a viable alternative to violence’ (10.45).

An Interview with Dr Linda Hogan from the University of Dublin,  speaks about peace, nonviolence, justice and violence issues.

Fools Gold:   To create a context in which peace issues are taken seriously as a viable alternative to violence in this world.   What our history has shown us, force and violence leads to more violence.


‘Clowning with Patch Adams, in Hospitals, Around the World as Peace in Action’ (14.54).

ABC interview with Susan Carew

Fools Gold:  As you see the world through the eyes of a clown, you will see there is nothing to fear, only true beauty arises. To be a clown is remember not to take life seriously.


Soulution: Peace as Oneness, Calmness and Environmental Balance

This interview typifies the idea that the problem is not political but spiritual. What this means is the separated state of consciousness sees itself as separate from others and takes no responsibility for their impact on others.  Those who live in a holistic consciousness understand they are one with the universe and each other. Many will start to identify beyond the physical body and connect with nature itself or the source of life. This is the emerging new consciousness on the planet. Inner peace mirrors outer peace.  Our world is a mirror of our belief systems. So if we see the world as a the world of tooth and claw (dangerous) then we will notice this, if we see the world as safe, friendly and fun we will experience this. It is not about forcing peace it is about making peace with who and where you are. This changes everything.

‘Yoga means union and oneness’ (13.34)

The interview with Swamaji an Indian yogi illustrated the importance of inner harmony and outer harmony.  Yoga means union and healthy balance.  It is to learn emptiness and selflessness unifies with the world as self interest dissolves. The experience of oneness is gentleness. The realisation is that you are one with the world.

Part 1: Swamaji (13.34).  Background to life, journey, guru and the benefits of yoga …

Part 2: Swamaji (5.14).  Global Climate change is the problem…

Fools Gold:  Gentleness, balance and being is peace-full. Climate change is a bigger than terrorism, pesticides and pollution is the inner pollution. When the ocean is dying we cannot live.  We are living in a throw away society. We must come back to the nature. Change the consciousness in the people.

Listing of Peace Journalism Programs

Refer ‘Bridges to Peace’ Radio Program listing:

Citizen journalism is a growing area where people can become involved and informed.  If you do not find information you are seeking then become your own journalist.  Always source references for independence and authenticity. Don’t take all information on face value, learn to discern between propaganda and genuine information that provides insights and information to empower citizens around the world.  This was my first experience in community journalism, I found freedom from suppression that is usual in mainstream media, therefore I was able to explore any topic in this very fascinating area of inquiry.  There are many people concerned and active in creating positive change.