Welcome to SPEAK UP 4 Oneness Media Australia in harmony with Awake 2 Oneness radio in the United States  with Caroline Chang

Susan Carew is the presenter and World Peace Jester, former analyst, economist, peace educator, public speaker and self proclaimed Fool for Peace.

You can listen to her on SPEAK UP 4 Oneness Radio on Blog Talk Radio, Australia.

This program is dedicated to SPEAKING UP 4 Oneness in the World. Oneness is a living awareness that we are all One.  Many people are awakening across the world to realise what they see in their world is a reflection of themselves. As we take responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions we start to experience our world changing. Oneness is the lived experience of peace.  It is an expansive subject that can take us out of what we thought was true into new understandings of life, knowledge, happiness and wisdom.

SPEAK UP 4 Oneness online media was launched on Global Oneness Day on 24 October 2016.

The following programs are from Awake 2 Oneness (USA) and SPEAK UP 4 Oneness Radio Australia.

Video recordings are located at the weblink: https://www.worldpeacefull.com/speak-up-video/

BlogtalkradioLatest Programs are as follows:

  • SPEAK UP 4 Oneness Radio – BlogTalkRadio
    SPEAK UP Media is dedicated to sharing stories about Oneness and the Mystery of Life.


    Other programs published by Awake 2 Oneness Radio (USA).

    Awake 2 Oneness Radio – BlogTalkRadio
    Oct 23, 2016 Awake 2 Oneness Radio is launching a new program, SPEAK UP 4 Oneness from Australia with host Susan Carew in celebration of Global …
    www.blogtalkradio.com/awake2oneness/…/speakup4oneness–healing-with -jane-offer
    Awake 2 Oneness Radio – BlogTalkRadio
    4 days ago SPEAK UP 4 Oneness from Australia presents an interview with host Susan Carew and Margie Joy on Awake 2 Oneness Radio, Saturday, …
    Awake 2 Oneness Radio – BlogTalkRadio
    Aug 12, 2016 Awake 2 Oneness Radio with ?World Peace Clown? Susan Carew live on Friday August 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM EDT. Susan will be connecting …
    www.blogtalkradio.com/awake2oneness/…/speakupfor-real-hope-with- world-peace-clown-susan-carew
    Awake 2 Oneness Radio – BlogTalkRadio
    Jul 8, 2016 Awake 2 Oneness Radio with ?World Peace Clown? Susan Carew live on Friday July 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM EDT. Susan will be connecting with …
    www.blogtalkradio.com/awake2oneness/…/speakupfor-real-hope-with- world-peace-clown-susan-carew


BLOG TALK RADIO (SPEAK UP 4 Oneness) starting in Australia 11 January, 2017.  Visit Worldpeacefull on YouTube for video programs.

SPEAK UP 4 Oneness (published by Awake 2 Oneness)

Program 1:  Health as Oneness with Jane Offer, Healer, Counsellor, Teacher and manager of the Purple Dragonfly. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awake2oneness/2016/10/23/speak-up-4-oneness–healing-with-jane-offer (video published, visit https://www.worldpeacefull.com/speak-up-media/speak-up-video/)

Program 2: From Abuse to Oneness.  An interview with Margie Joy a practitioner in the Wisdom of Relationships. Blog Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awake2oneness/2016/11/20/speak-up-4-oneness-from-abuse-to-oneness (video published visit https://www.worldpeacefull.com/speak-up-media/speak-up-video/)

Program 3: From the Crown Jewels to Spiritual Healing with David Offer Part 1, 2 ,3 Click on https://www.worldpeacefull.com/speak-up-media/speak-up-video/


For a list of other peace journalism radio programs please click on link: https://www.worldpeacefull.com/peace-journalism

Request to be interviewed:

Interviewees will be people have experienced a sense of Oneness with the world around them.  This can include:  healing, wellness, stillness, peace/bliss/joy, unity, wonderful experiences or amazing realisations,  mysterious occurrences, out-of-body experiences, near-death experience, inter-dimensional, out of this world  or any other experience that has left them with a sense that We Are All One or an understanding of life that has expanded.

Adults or children are invited to come on the program and talk about their experiences.  The show is 60 minutes.  It is pre-recorded and aired in the United States online and then circulated through social media.

Interviewees with permission will be filmed for  Related imageto ensure the message receives multi-media circulation.

If you would like to be INTERVIEWED on the show or know of someone, please call, email or complete the Contact Form.

Email Susan Carew: worldpeacefullempowerment@gmail.com

Phone Susan Carew:(+61) 409 071 030 (overseas) OR 0409071030 (Australia)


Contact Form

Interviewees will be asked to sign a consent form for audio and/or video for YouTube.  Children require a parent or guardian to sign the form.  Form available at:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxHIirOfMRnaNVBIaXB4NFFFY1U

Comments or questions are welcome.

* indicates required field